Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Getting started in the SEA?????

We have so many beginners that are adverse to starting in the sea. Yes, the sea is more difficult but we believe that if you can persevere in the sea you will reap the rewards. WHY??? Well students that get going in the lagoon invariably end up back there as they take 10 steps forward and then 20 back when they do eventually try the sea. So go for it from the beginning and you will get it.

Let's talk about it in terms of our environment. The main advantage of the sea is that you have a vast area and can spend time by yourself getting to grips with things. No I am not saying kite by yourself BUT you can kite without the congestion and the fear of another kiter taking you out. Then there is the added bonus of you not getting blown away from the land - so you will always be pushed back to shore - provided you are kiting in a cross-ONSHORE wind - so it makes it safer!! There are also the waves that also push you back towards the shore. Another advantage is that you can box clever and start dropping a car downwind and so slowly end up drifting downwind and then you don't have to waste time walking.

The main thing about the sea is that you make sure you are clever about it. Obviously, there are times that it is not suitable to try and kite - when the surf ids huge and also when the tide is high so the shore break is thumping. So try and time you kite with the lower tides as it is way more user friendly and easier for you to get going.

Another thing is to get a lesson in terms of how to deal with waves, how to deal with shorebreaks and the rest. It will give you the understanding of what you need to do so at least you are practising the right thing!!

Go on then - give it a go!!! The sea is not that bad!!

GUSTY WINDS - what to look out for!

We had one of the gustiest winds yesterday! Gusty winds are dangerous and you need to know what you are doing if you go out in them. Chances are that your kite will fall out of the sky but there are some things that you can do to try and minimize this possibility.

Firstly, try and always keep your kite moving. A gentle left and right means that your kite is moving in the wind and less likely to fall out the sky. This is important on the beach or when putting your board on your feet in the water. The less you keep your kite at neutral the better.

Secondly, try never put your kite at 12 o'clock or directly above you. This will reduce the possibility of being lofted. Pulled into the sky. Rather keep your kite at 10 or 2 so if it does fall out the sky back into the power zone - you will be pulled sideways and not up.

Third, when launching the kite keep the kite about your assistant to check the gustiness of the wind. Also he is close at hand to help you land it if you realize that it is too hectic.

Finally, be prepared to pull your safety in case your kite does fall out the sky and you want to prevent it from ripping you around when it re-engages. So hold your hand on your safety ready to pull.

Remember - rather kite safe or don't kite and live to kite another day then regret pushing the limits.

Safety First

Just a quick note on safety that you need to give some thought to. Firstly, please know your safety systems. Know how they work and test them.

When crashing a bow kite - please try and keep your lines tight. Try and prevent your kite from rolling over. I have seen it a couple of times in the past years but it is a possibilty. You can wrap one line aroud the wind tip - if this happens it can lead to trouble. it can casue the kite to start kite looping - in strong winds, this will happen vey quickly and can start dragging you backwards through the water. So a couple of points here can help.

1. Always check your lines before re-launching to make sure one line is not wrapped.
2. If it is wrapped pull that line towars you first to try and swing the whole kite around and to allow the line to come unhooked.
3. If the kite starts kite looping you quick release (on your chicken loop) might not work as the kite will continue to loop. In this case pull your last safety (the one on your harness- KNOW WHERE IT IS!)
4. Make sure that you can reach the last quick release - because if the above situation becomes a reality it might be hard to reach. We have been converting a lot of people onto the Mystic Safety System which puts the quick release on your spreader bar and is far safer.

Please make a note of this as it can become serious in strong winds and you need to know your safety systems before you need to use them.


Please come into the shop and let me explain this further if you do not understand what I am explaining!