Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Safety First

Just a quick note on safety that you need to give some thought to. Firstly, please know your safety systems. Know how they work and test them.

When crashing a bow kite - please try and keep your lines tight. Try and prevent your kite from rolling over. I have seen it a couple of times in the past years but it is a possibilty. You can wrap one line aroud the wind tip - if this happens it can lead to trouble. it can casue the kite to start kite looping - in strong winds, this will happen vey quickly and can start dragging you backwards through the water. So a couple of points here can help.

1. Always check your lines before re-launching to make sure one line is not wrapped.
2. If it is wrapped pull that line towars you first to try and swing the whole kite around and to allow the line to come unhooked.
3. If the kite starts kite looping you quick release (on your chicken loop) might not work as the kite will continue to loop. In this case pull your last safety (the one on your harness- KNOW WHERE IT IS!)
4. Make sure that you can reach the last quick release - because if the above situation becomes a reality it might be hard to reach. We have been converting a lot of people onto the Mystic Safety System which puts the quick release on your spreader bar and is far safer.

Please make a note of this as it can become serious in strong winds and you need to know your safety systems before you need to use them.


Please come into the shop and let me explain this further if you do not understand what I am explaining!

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