Wednesday, March 17, 2010

GUSTY WINDS - what to look out for!

We had one of the gustiest winds yesterday! Gusty winds are dangerous and you need to know what you are doing if you go out in them. Chances are that your kite will fall out of the sky but there are some things that you can do to try and minimize this possibility.

Firstly, try and always keep your kite moving. A gentle left and right means that your kite is moving in the wind and less likely to fall out the sky. This is important on the beach or when putting your board on your feet in the water. The less you keep your kite at neutral the better.

Secondly, try never put your kite at 12 o'clock or directly above you. This will reduce the possibility of being lofted. Pulled into the sky. Rather keep your kite at 10 or 2 so if it does fall out the sky back into the power zone - you will be pulled sideways and not up.

Third, when launching the kite keep the kite about your assistant to check the gustiness of the wind. Also he is close at hand to help you land it if you realize that it is too hectic.

Finally, be prepared to pull your safety in case your kite does fall out the sky and you want to prevent it from ripping you around when it re-engages. So hold your hand on your safety ready to pull.

Remember - rather kite safe or don't kite and live to kite another day then regret pushing the limits.

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